TECH TIP TUESDAY #47: In a Blink of an AI – Time to Shift our College Assessments

Home|Canvas Tech Tips|TECH TIP TUESDAY #47: In a Blink of an AI – Time to Shift our College Assessments

With Central Virginia CC Professor Corinne Hoisington

As we all know, we need new assessment methods that are NON-TEXT due to ChatGPT. See tons of examples of new ways to assess! Discover the transformative potential of AI in education with a focus on instructional design and assessment. This presentation explores how AI tools like GPT and other language models can be harnessed to create engaging and effective learning materials.  This session explores real-world examples of AI-generated lesson plans, interactive activities, personalized feedback, multimedia resources, and authentic assessments. The goal is to equip educators with the knowledge and tools to leverage AI in their teaching practices to enhance student learning. It is highly necessary to create assessment methods that require students to produce authentic, novel, and personalized responses, which can help educators stay ahead of the uncertainty and workload that AI writers create.

PROFESSOR CORINNE HOISINGTON, Central Virginia Community College

Corinne Hoisington is a full-time professor of Information Systems Technology at Central Virginia Community College in Lynchburg, Virginia, with more than 30 years of teaching experience. Corinne travels over 250,000 miles a year delivering keynote addresses to college and university professors and K-12 educators in over 70 cities worldwide for customers such as the Microsoft Corporation, Cengage Learning, National Geographic Abu Dhabi GCC, Capital One International Bank, Executive LIVE in London, Sydney, Aukland, Johannesburg, and the international South by Southwest (SXSW) event in Austin, Texas. Professor Hoisington is the recipient of the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional award in Computer Programming. Corinne has authored over 40 textbooks with Cengage Learning/National Geographic on topics such as Outlook 365, Office 365, Microsoft Windows, Android Boot Camp Java, Technology Now, and Visual Basic. Corinne stands at the forefront of the educational revolution, a true visionary and thought leader in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Her journey is not just the story of an educator on the cutting edge; it’s a testament to the transformative power of AI Assisted education itself.


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